Thought I would stop in while I'm waiting for my software program it's working through some images for me. I actually spend more time on the web when I'm proofing vs. when I'm not because sometimes I have to wait to do the fine touches on my images.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed as I always do at this time of year. I'm proofing like crazy ,still shooting like crazy and having to do everything else that I normally do like dealing with all the calls and emails etc...
I hope people have patience with me. Anyway who has done a session with me notes my passion it's much more then a job with me. It's my art and I treat my images the same way I do my sessions with all my heart with a full effort. The prints are amazing in person much better then the web it's worth the wait.
Just a heads up I was turning away sessions because I thought we were going to vacation in Sept. Plans have changed I"m still taking some time off but not a full vacation ,I do have some dates available that previously were not. We're thinking Nov for a vacation just Chris and I. It has been 12 years since we've taken more then a long weekend together so I'm super excited. I'm hoping to get to see my Dad who lives in Florida.
My brother sent me an email a few days ago with some fresh pictures of his kids and my Dad. It's amazing my Dad's health has just been..... Triple bypass,diabetes so bad he has to take several shots a day for starters. I want to say he's 75ish (I dont' know either of my parents age exactly no one will tell! he's somewhere in the 70's anyway) and he still has such a spirit to go on a long bike ride(several states) on his Harley to see my Brother.
This picture pretty much sums up my Dad except it's missing his boat. He loves anything that moves and moves fast! A boy and his toys....
My dad has always been a super tough cookie. He was on his own at 12 found work at a farm. Working long hours 7 days a week where the pay was only enough for room and board. So to get out of that situation at 16 he lied and signed his father's signature to get into the Army where he went to the Korean war. I have his slides from the war. I really need to develop them for him. I had meant to put them in a gift album for him.
I still at my age get homesick to see him and my brothers. Every time I hear a Waylon Jennings song(my Dad has super deep voice like him) or see a guy on a harley with a goatee.... My Dad has always worn one as long as I can remember. He is starting to look really different though. He used to have massive arms and stood a lot straighter it's weird to see my Dad getting older. I mean this is the man after a full day working construction (later in life he had a resturant/bar and several other business intrests. He's kind of a jack of all trades. He did all right for a boy who had to drop out of school in the 6th grade to support himself.) his idea of relaxing after work was to go play sports with the guys, his energy was always amazing. My brother says it's really painful to see him slowing down. Anyway you get the picture he's one tough guy. I don't think they make them like him any more.
An Artist I discovered recently oooohhhh I heart her!